Friday, 22 January 2016

Neo-Noir OTS: Titles

At first I wasn't sure what to do in terms of titles, but then decided I would project the credits onto different surfaces, the titles appearing as shadows. Unfortunately, during filming I tried this, ending up sticking the credits (cut out from paper) onto different surfaces, which would be in the same shots as the central character, however, when watching the footage back, I decided against it, as it didn't look great, and didn't give the effect I wanted. 

I have now decided to create the titles on Final Cut Pro X, and have decided to use the font below. I experimented with colours, and instead of darker, more 'fitting' colours, like in the image below, I have decided to go with brightly coloured titles. 

I have decided to use this font, layered and lower-case because I feel it contrasts well with the OTS, as well as complimenting it. I think the fact that I've decided to make them brightly coloured, as well as lower-case is almost friendly, contrasting with the film itself, and its dark (?) tone. However, I feel that my choice of titles were inspired by 80s films, specifically pulp, which I will make a separate blog post about.

During creating my titles I had the idea to make some of the credits to do something on screen. instead of staying in one spot. So, I decided to try and make the first set of credits flick very quickly between different fonts before returning to an image on the screen. I wasn't sure how to gp about doing this but then starting exploring different options and ended up copying the first title screen and making a few copies of this, making each title screen a different font, and then changing the duration of these clips to one or two milliseconds. Below are some images exhibiting the process.

I also want the colour of the titles to get darker and a little more foreboding as the OTS goes on, as it's getting closer to the main body of the film. I have also decided to make the final titles, giving credit for directing in bright red, with a very dark layer behind, contrasting with the rest of the titles which are mainly pinks and greens. I have decided to do this as it's the last image the audience will see on screen as well as

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