Thursday 10 September 2015

Research/Planning Our Sweded Film

The research that went into our Sweded film was quite simple. Firstly, we watched the original teaser trailer for 'Insidious Chapter 3' many times to get a feel for the film and also how many different scenes, shots and settings there were in the trailer, as we were trying to re-make the trailer as accurately as possible.  As there are more characters in the trailer than were in our group we made had to adapt it slightly, but it wasn't too much of a problem as they were more background characters and were only featured in the trailer in one particular scene. 


The script for our film was almost of the dialogue in the original trailer. We wanted to make it as close to the real trailer as possible, so we kept the majority of it the same. 

Script used during the making of our Sweded film

Music & Sound

At the end of the trailer 'Tip-Toe Thru' The Tulips' is sung acapella by Chloe and Emily, as we could not use the original track or add any backing digitally. Throughout the rest of the trailer, short pieces of music were created with a keyboard, to give an eerie effect throughout. I'm very happy with how the music and sound turned out as it makes a massive amount of difference when watching something. Even if there is barely anything happening in the scene.


Emily created a storyboard, showing every scene individually, with brief description of what would happen in each one. Storyboarding really helped as it gave us, whenever we were in a scene an image we needed to create and keep that in mind when visualizing the scene. Storyboards also helped everyone involved understand the structure of the the project and exactly what's going into the end product. 

I'll be posting more soon about the rest of the process.